Magic Trick?
In our fast consuming and fast-moving world we are used to rapid outcomes and immediate responses: we pick up the phone, we send a WhatsApp and we expect an instant reply. We navigate on the internet and if a page doesn’t load in nanoseconds we move to the competitor’s web. We launch a blog and the moment we click “Go Live” we require to see hundreds of visits and immediate growth. Same with business, we expect fast results that preferably come after clicking on THAT one button. Guess what? There is nothing in this world, legal and not being gambling, which you can do with a quick trick and make money. Duh!
The OMTM Doesn’t Exist!
The “OMTM” (One Metric That Matters) doesn’t exist and if you choose to focus on it, you will most probably shipwreck the boat. Businesses are complex ecosystems, where different elements, people, chances and luck, play a big role to complete the whole picture. If you choose to concentrate only on one factor, you immediately diminish its entire construction. The survival of any ecosystem relies on the subsistence of the populations of species and the dynamics between them. Same rule stands for business. Every successful corporation would pay attention to the synergies created between the teams and would feed with energy to produce more.
Why Growth Is Not Just One Magic Trick
If you think of your startup or established a business as an ecosystem, you would understand that by feeding or caring for only one of the species, you would put in danger all the rest. Similarly, when we talk about Growth you may expect that the Growth Hackers, these magical creatures, will skyrocket your numbers and metrics by a single hit on a single focused area of the business. Now think back to the ecosystem, would you expect the popularity of seagulls to grow if you don’t feed the fish?
Growth Hacking is a holistic approach to growing a business by experimenting different tools and approaches and by “feeding” each of its factors in order to contribute to the maintenance and expansion of the ecosystem.
If you want to see your business growing into a new level, let’s have a chat! Get in touch with us 🙂